Friday, February 18, 2011

Time in the ED

Today was .... chaotic, nonstop, never ending, insane. I didn't even have a chance to go to the bathroom. I was in the ED all day long but I loved it. I never thought that psych would be where I found a passion but I have. I love working on call at night because I know that if I get called in it's for that. Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective, Bipolar Disorder, Suicide Attempts, active hallucinations and delusions - these are all my usual calls. I really thought that I would detest psych and even passed on a job interview because of that but I feel like I have found a department where I fit. I love oncology but I'd be happy in the ED or a psych ward too ..... as a social worker, not a patient.

Hmm, maybe I should go back to school for psychiatry instead of PhD in social work??

Monday, February 7, 2011

Tales from the Trenches....

Let's have story time, shall we? How about the story of the social worker who had a long night in the emergency department that included said social worker having a breakdown? That sounds like a good one .....

When I'm on call at night, I cover more than one hospital in the area. On this particular night, I received a call to one of the emergency departments (ED) asking me to come in because they had a patient who was brought in by the police for a suicide attempt. He was at the ED under a 72 hour mandatory hold and needed to be transferred to a psychiatric facility which is the job for the social worker. As I headed out to the ED, I got a call from a children's hospital asking me to go there and talk with a family that was having a really hard time coping. Generally, the only reason I get called to the children's hospital is for a death. I really didn't know what was going on because the person who called me in wasn't the best at answering my questions.

Whenever, I get called for multiple patients, I have to triage (prioritize) them. The children's hospital becomes top priority. I called the ED and let them know that I was headed their way but I had to go to the children's hospital first. The clerk at the ED said ok and then asked me how long I was going to be. Are you kidding me? People in the hospital know that death is the reason you go to the children's hospital 99% of the time at night. They didn't need to know the reason why I was going to the children's hospital, they only needed to know that I was going. I t was completely unbelievable that they were asking me how long I was going to be.

Anyway, I shrugged it off and kept on my way. Five minutes later, the ED doc called and said they knew I was going to the children's hospital and wanted to know how long I was going to be. I simply answered I didn't know and I would get there as soon as possible. I went to the children's hospital and met with the family. After spending time with them, I said a prayer and thanked God for my career and helping me find what I truly believe I'm called to do.

As I drove to the ED, I got ANOTHER call asking how long I would be. Now this is what gets me, the ED clerk was calling and said I know you're at ******* but we just want to know how long you're going to be. There is a good chance that everyone at the ED thinks I'm dealing with a death which then means that they know they are interrupting me. Could you be any more inconsiderate? I stated I was on my way and then hung up on them. Yep, I did.

I walked into the ED and the first thing I hear is "You're FINALLY here".

To which I promptly responded:
"I'm sorry but I'm pretty sure I let you know that I had to go to ******* because I have to triage my cases and that one took priority. I let you know that I was going to be here as soon as possible and, yet, you called several times asking me how long I would be. Tell you what, the next time this happens, I'll pass the phone to the parents of the kiddo and you can ask them to hurry up their kid's death so you don't have to wait. Or better yet, why don't you just tell them to take their kid out back and shoot them? That would probably get me here faster."

**Awkward silence**

Yes, yes, I did.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Sums it up...

Who needs sleep?

It's 4:30am, and I'm sitting in the emergency department at one of the hospitals here in town. I've been here since 11pm. I'm not waiting to see a doctor or anything like that. In fact, I'm on the other side. I'm one of the medical professionals. I'm the social worker ... problem solver ... miracle worker ... transportation coordinator. I go by many names here. I'm on call for two different hospitals tonight which means from 4:30 pm until 8 am, I'm at their beck and call. Normally, I'll get called out for some minor things. Tonight was not one of those nights. However, those stories are not important. Forgive my rambling, it's been a long day and I've almost been up for 24 straight hours. I'm at 23.

I find the behavior of other medical professionals interesting in the hospital. Generally, social workers are seen as either super helpful or a waste of time. The opinions vary from person to person and especially situation to situation. If I agree with the doctor, social workers are great. If I don't agree or can't help (seriously, the patient lost their purse - I don't know where it is so stop asking), then I'm a waste of time. I feel that when I get called in for psych crises, medical professionals turn into vultures looking for a juicy story. Now, don't get me wrong, I love nurses and the other people here. They can be a social worker's best friend. I just don't have an appreciation for the way they talk about some patients or how the hover around when there's an "interesting patient". If CPS or APS is involved, they can't wait to hear what's going on. Suicide attempts, they always want to know the plan.

My problem with this is that we all know about HIPAA. Generally, health information is on a need to know basis. If it's not your patient, you don't need to know. If it is your patient, generally, you still don't need to know the specifics of what I'm discussing. It's confidential information. Granted, I understand that it's the middle of the night and it's boring. Emergency departments could be their own soap opera or tv show (oh wait, that was ER). Gossip is horrid here. I always feel bad when a patient pours their heart out to me and has had a tough life or experience and it turns into the latest fodder. I usually tell the doctor's what's happening and limit the amount of information that I share with the nurses. However, if it's a "juicy" story, soon everyone knows. It's a little upsetting. I need to work on how to answer when people push me for details.

But for now, I really would like CPS to call me back.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

And the countdown begins...

The Disney Princess Half marathon is in 24 days! Do I feel in anyway ready for this race? No. Hmm, wonder why. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that it's been so unbelievably cold outside that only a crazy person would go for a run in this! I've been trying to stay on top of my training but it's really hard to stay motivated when it's freezing out and the only thing you want to do after a long day at work is curl up inside where it's warm. I'm hoping the weather lets up this weekend so I can get my 12 mile run in. I have to do this last run before the race so that I know that I can finish. They say if you can run 10 miles, you can do the half. I did my 10 miles but would feel much better if I actually ran closer to the race distance. I'm have tempted to keep running past the 12 and 13.1 mile marks just to say to myself that I've gone farther than the race distance and therefore it shouldn't be that big of a deal. I'm psyched about the race though and can't wait to have a time that I can start working towards beating.

I'm going to continue running long distances after the race in preparation for any other races that I sign up for. I definitely want to work on my pace though. I have some times for some 5Ks that I want to get lower and maybe even cut in half but that's a pretty high goal to reach. I may look around to see about joining a running club to work on that. I would love to have a 7 minute mile or faster.