I just finished watching The Family Stone. It's a romantic movie but it doesn't have the happy ending that you would expect. I think that it's a great movie because it's a good reminder that you don't have to have "the perfect ending", you just need to find the one that's right for you. Sure, a lawyer that makes enough for me to stay home and raise our 6 kids would be awesome but I have to find what's right for me.
I thought more about what I need and, given the craptastic night I had tonight, I think it's important for me to find someone that kind of sets me off balance ... or balances me out, however you want to think about it. I'm an ISFJ on the Meyers-Briggs Type Inventory. I'm actually quite high for the I (Introverted - I'm 78/100). So I need someone who's lower on the I or maybe really low on E (Extroverted). I feel that maybe one of the things that coincides with I is the need to be independent and keep everything inside. I don't want to burden anyone with my problems but I can't keep everything bottled up inside forever, it's not healthy. I need someone who will support me when I'm having a bad day. I don't need to be told that I deserve something or that I need to get thicker skin. It would be great to have someone that listens to me vent and says something like you're right, that guy is a jerk or that stinks, something that validates my feelings. I don't want constant validation .. just when I'm having a crappy day. Sometime it's nice to feel like I'm in the right .. even if I might not be. And sometimes, I really need a hug. It'd be really nice to have a husband who can sense when I need a hug and wraps me in his arms without saying anything.
getting a little crafty...
13 years ago