I went to Brownsville, Texas with two professors that I am a research assistant for at Baylor University. We're working on a Hispanic Active Relationships Program grant that does marriage education classes. Brownsville is the second poorest city in the nation and evidence of this was all over the town. I feel as though my time at Baylor has been a life changing one for me. I look at the world through a different set of eyes now. I couldn't help but be affected by all that I was seeing. How can so many people live in such poverty while nothing is done to help? I wondered about resources available to the residents in Brownsville. It just pulled at my heart so much and I can definitely see myself working in the nonprofit community organization sector for a career (this was further reinforced by this morning's shoe shopping made possible by the Meyer's Center). I wish life came with a manual!
This week has been super hard for me. My grandfather, Bruce C. Lane, died on Tuesday.

I'm sorry for the loss of your grandfather. I still miss mine, and he passed five years ago.