Ok .. so I've known that I'm heading out of here in December and, for the most part, I'm pretty sad about it. Waco has definitely grown on me and I love everyone that I've met along my way. That doesn't mean that I'll never be back but it does increase the chance of that happening. I've been pretty hesitant about my upcoming move for several reasons with the biggest being my fear of change followed closely a worry that someone can't let go of a past relationship (but that's a story for another day or probably never). I can see God's hand in my journey to this point in my life and, well, He has chosen some pretty odd vehicles along the way. I do trust that He will continue to guide me wherever it is that I'm meant to be. BUT. I'm still worried. I really have a lot of trouble with this whole "let go and let God" philosophy. I mean I love it and I think it's absolutely wonderful but my letting go still involves a whole lot of worry. I'm trying though. I really have started off this new school year with a new frame of mind. I'm trying to reach outside of my comfort zone and grow as a person. I think it would be much easier to do if I wasn't drowning in school work.
Speaking of school work. I'm supposed to writing my intro and rationale to my research project that I will be presenting on in May. I LOVE my topic and am so excited about doing research on it because I know that I will personally benefit from it and I hope that others will too. However, I've been trying to write this thing all day. Turns out my concentration is shot to pieces when I'm sick. I have not felt this bad since April 2007 when I couldn't walk because I was in so much pain. The symptoms seem to change based on the day and I'm not sure what's causing it all. I'm not a doctor. I do know that I have laryngitis. AGAIN. Seriously, it wasn't fun the first time around and I think I proved to everyone my lack of ability to not talk - even when my voice is gone. I had a horrible fever and muscle pain Thursday night and for me to be experiencing muscle pain beyond what I feel on a daily basis is pretty unusual. I was beyond miserable. So I've been sleeping a lot and drinking a ton of peppermint tea. Anyway, I feel that when I'm really sick, I just can't focus. Hence the fact that it's 2:35am and I'm still only 20% done with my assignment. What I have done is:
- swept the floors
- learned the lyrics to MC Young's Bust a Move
- washed dishes
- tried to learn the Crank That dance
- played fetch with Bella
- took pictures of the baby snake outside
- tried on all the coats and jackets in my hall closet
And this last one is why I'm excited. I'm so nervous and hesitant about moving but for some reason trying on the coats and jackets has now made me excited. I have three trench coats - khaki, black, and hot pink (which is my favorite!) and three coats - black, brown, and black/white plaid. I cannot wait to wear these again! Texas does not have the right weather for winter wear and I don't recall really wearing a decent coat this past year. I just love being able to wear coats because that means that it's a brisk fall day with the leaves changing from their normal lush green colors into reds, yellows, oranges, and pinks. I love fall and then winter when it snows and there's a silence that falls on the land that you don't hear unless it's snowing. Amazing. So I guess I'm finally getting excited about my move. Now if only I could convince my friends to move with me ....
getting a little crafty...
13 years ago
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