Thursday, February 3, 2011

And the countdown begins...

The Disney Princess Half marathon is in 24 days! Do I feel in anyway ready for this race? No. Hmm, wonder why. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that it's been so unbelievably cold outside that only a crazy person would go for a run in this! I've been trying to stay on top of my training but it's really hard to stay motivated when it's freezing out and the only thing you want to do after a long day at work is curl up inside where it's warm. I'm hoping the weather lets up this weekend so I can get my 12 mile run in. I have to do this last run before the race so that I know that I can finish. They say if you can run 10 miles, you can do the half. I did my 10 miles but would feel much better if I actually ran closer to the race distance. I'm have tempted to keep running past the 12 and 13.1 mile marks just to say to myself that I've gone farther than the race distance and therefore it shouldn't be that big of a deal. I'm psyched about the race though and can't wait to have a time that I can start working towards beating.

I'm going to continue running long distances after the race in preparation for any other races that I sign up for. I definitely want to work on my pace though. I have some times for some 5Ks that I want to get lower and maybe even cut in half but that's a pretty high goal to reach. I may look around to see about joining a running club to work on that. I would love to have a 7 minute mile or faster.

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